Flooring & Walls

Top Quality Natural Stone Flooring and Wall Cladding in Victoria

Rococo Stoneworks specialise in creating stunning natural stone flooring and wall construction for every one of our customers. The flooring and walling of your home plays a significant role in the overall aesthetic and general feel of the house itself. Choosing natural stone for a flooring project can add a high level of class and sophistication to your home, ultimately helping to increase the market value of the residence.

Travertine is one the most common stones used in construction today, with the versatile stone being used in a multitude of different projects, thanks to its durability and reliability. One of the key benefits about using this type of stone is that it requires little maintenance, and it should last you many happy years. We offer travertine floor tiles and pavers to help create professional and clean finish to any flooring project.


For Rococo Stoneworks wall solutions, dry stone walling can be used to construct dry stone retaining walls, freestanding walls, paths and incredible steps. They are also a popular choice for decorative borders in garden design, carefully coordinated with paving and other exterior stone options.

Why Choose Rococo Stoneworks For Your Next Flooring Or Wall Project?

Our dedicated team of experienced individuals will work on designing and installing your new stone flooring, paving or walls in a cost-effective and timely manner. It is often overwhelming to decide on how you wish to design your flooring or walling, or select the stone that you want to choose. Being well aware of this, we carefully analyse how to produce the most optimal natural stone flooring or walling solution for your home, ensuring your peace of mind in the process.


If you are looking to install stone flooring, paving or walls, add a beautiful stone feature, or require a custom solution, contact Rococo Stoneworks today.

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